The Four Expressions of Natural Meditation as Taught at
The Awakened Heart Center for Conscious Living
Truth, Consciousness, God is simultaneously immanent and transcendent. Natural Meditation is the spontaneous process of the Infinite Light of Consciousness living through you as you. It is manifesting as Love, Bliss, Compassion, Awareness, Wisdom, Intelligence, Intuition, Creative Power and Skillful Action. This happens now. The more you rest as the presence of awareness, the greater this Light. There is only this Light.
Kundalini Shakti is this Light of Consciousness manifesting within you as you. There are four expressions of Natural Meditation.
1. Settling the Mind: (Exclusive meditation: focusing to quiet the mind) Sit upright in a comfortable position with spine, neck and head in proper alignment. After completing pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing, Breath of Fire and the Circle of Light), allow your attention to gently focus in the hara (kanda in yogic terms) below the navel and feel yourself being breathed. The belly expands with inhalation and contracts with exhalation. The hara
is where the Kundalini Shakti rests. Ujjayi breathing with the Hamsa Mantra can help focus
attention. Ham is "I Am" or Shiva, the Absolute Transcendent Awareness. Sa is "This" or Shakti,
the immanent manifestation of the play of Consciousness. With each inhalation, hear the sound of HAM in the breath (Haaahm). With each exhalation, hear the sound of SA in the breath (Saah). If attention wanders, gently bring it back to the breath. Ham-Sa balances the currents of life (prana) within you and allows the Kundalini to safely and naturally unfold. If spontaneous meditation begins to happen, let it happen.
2. Resting as Effortless, Choice-less, Silent Awareness: (Inclusive Meditation: allowing
everything to be as it is) Your hands are now off the steering wheel of life and "you" are not doing
anything. Let go of all control and need to manipulate anything. There is just the presence of
awareness effortlessly and naturally noticing whatever arises. Free attention will spontaneously
move within this infinite field of awareness. Simply Be as you are without any modifications. If
spontaneous meditation begins to happen, let it happen.
3. Natural Spontaneous Meditation happens. You are being meditated: This occurs when the
Kundalini Shakti takes over. You open and relax completely to the process. This is Divine Love
and Intelligence working very deeply within you on every level of your being. This phase of
meditation can be called Letting Go and Letting God.
4. Eyes Open or Natural Sahaj Samadhi (the all inclusive awareness of HRIDAYA — The Heart
of Being — I AM Nothing Being Everything): This is 24/7 meditation based on the awareness
that there is only Consciousness (God), Consciousness (God) is all there is. Consciousness
dwells within you as you and as all beings and things everywhere. You recognize that you, the
entire universe and everything in it is the play of the Light of Consciousness. You are this.
"God dwells within you as you." —Baba Muktananda
©TET • 1/17/14
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