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Satsang: The Superphysics of the Guru Effect (Part 2)

Balance Is the Key: The Middle Way

“Satsang” means transmitting the truth. We are all always giving satsang of our relative truths to everything and everyone, including ourselves. A sattvic person gives the satsang of being, peace and harmony. A rajasic person transmits ego, intensity and doing. A tamasic person transmits ignorance and dullness.

A true guru is one who is free of identification with the gunas. Their human instrument still exists in the realm of the gunas and is affected by the energy of the gunas, but “their” awareness has transcended the gunas and is free of any obstructions in consciousness. They rest in the vastness of absolute silence, and this silence flows through them to others as the quality of truth, being and joy, or sat chit ananda.

Bhagawan Nityananda and Ramana Maharshi spent most of their time lying about and not talking much. And yet the transmission of grace through their human form was incredible, palpable and gave many the direct experience of their absolute nature.

By being with a true guru, or by looking at their photo, hearing their voice, using their mantra, having an object with their energy in it or just by thinking about them, we tune into their morphic field and receive satsang. Even if, like Jesus, a guru is no longer in the body, we can still tune into their morphic field and receive the transmission of grace from the absolute.

The egoic energy field of a human being tends to dissolve in the morphic field of a true guru. This is the secret and power of satsang. In its place arises sat chit ananda. For beings who are ready for the ego to dissolve, this is a true blessing. For egos that aren’t ready to dissolve, satsang is a terrifying experience of death and the dissolution of the known.

As relative beings, we want to be aware of the energy of the gunas so we can manage them and live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. As Absolute Being we want to be aware that who and what we really are is prior to all gunas. Since it has no qualities, it has been called empty, void, formless, nothingness, the unborn. And yet this nothingness is the mother of all beings and all things.

Our basic mistake is that we seek our happiness, fulfillment and meaning in the play of the gunas. There is no happiness, fulfillment and meaning in the play of the gunas. Their very nature is change and impermanence. But once we recognize our true nature prior to the gunas, then this play of consciousness becomes our playground. We do not seek truth within it, we bring it to it. This is satsang.

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