Awakened Heart
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When we renamed The Awakened Heart Center, I initially wanted to use
Sanskrit words like Prajna or Hridayam, but we also wanted to take the
teaching out of the context of Eastern spirituality and tradition and
have it simply point to the Awakened Heart of All Being, for the teaching
to be “Heart to Heart.”
may be translated “Heart Wisdom” or “Awakened Awareness.”
“Hridayam” is not a physical heart, but the Heart of Being,
the One Self without another, Consciousness Itself. This Heart is not
only the Heart of All Being but the Heart of each apparent being, you,
me, us, them, George W. Bush, Osama Bin Laden, Santa Claus, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Hortense, and Jesus H. Christ.
Although the mind is profoundly entranced in appearance and limitation,
the Heart always stands Free and Awake. So any teacher with the least
bit of sense teaches Heart to Heart, planting seeds that sooner or later
will germinate into Realization and then Actualization of the Awakened
Heart. The mind literally dissolves into the Heart.
We are all Fools of God. We always have been. Some people know this.
Most people don’t and therefore are troubled by taking themselves
way too seriously. And so, from the Maha Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra:
“...therefore know that Prajna Paramita is the Great Mantra, the
Wisdom Mantra, the Unsurpassable Mantra, the Supreme Mantra which completely
removes all suffering. This is the Truth and not a deception.
So therefore set forth this mantra and say:
Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!
(Gone, gone, gone beyond, completely gone beyond! Awake! Rejoice!)
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