The Big Duh! Nothing Has to Happen!
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During the ’70s and ’80s, I had many powerful Kundalini
experiences, kenshos, satoris, what have you, and some of them were without
a doubt “enlightenment experiences.” But it was a “separate
me” having these experiences in time/space.
And then sometime in the early ’80s there was awareness that there
is no other and there is only now. I can’t say it was sudden, dramatic,
life changing or anything at all except obvious. So obvious the “mind”
didn’t even know about it, and so no big story was created around
it or dates set or what have you. And the spiritual systems I was trained
in didn’t really recognize this non-event, so I didn’t either.
It was just true and obvious. For everyone and everything, always. So,
no big deal. It was and is so obvious that it seems silly to even mention
It or talk about It. Or think about It. It is simply reality. A big duh.
And then when I first heard Gangaji teach in the early ’90s, I realized
what she was talking about was obviously This awareness. As I have said,
it was like hearing someone clearly speaking your language after spending
many years in a foreign culture. I knew she knew what I know. And so does
everybody else, they just don’t know it.
Nothing happened. Nothing had to happen. It is already so.
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