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Tom and RebeccaLetting Go

Monday Night Meditation
June 6, 1994

As long as our chief motivation in life is “survival,” and all we imagine that entails, we are unconsciously controlled and motivated by the survival mechanism — which is our ego/mind. But as soon as we see deeply into life and death and truly release the motivation for survival, we are able to transcend our ego/mind and recognize our True Nature.

“Holding on” is the habitual and automatic response of the survival mechanism, or ego. It is tension. Ultimately, it is death.

“Letting go” is the release of our scripts, habitual social personality, ego, and survival mechanism. Thus, our attention and energy are free to penetrate deeply into Truth. Letting go is meditation. It is ultimately falling into our True Self. It is a profound release into the infinite moment of Absolute Reality. It is eternal life everlasting.

“Thinking of neither good nor evil, at this moment, show me your original face before your parents were born.” — Hui-neng

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